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Writer's pictureJose Montanez

How I Fight the Constant Acid-Alkaline Balance in my Body to Stay Healthy

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

What's the internal acid-alkaline balance in your body right now?

Every organ, tissue, or fluid has a ration of acid and alkalis. To determine the level of acid and alkalis, you measure the potential for hydrogen (pH) of a solution. In this case, your blood, saliva, or urine.

You measure the pH on a scale of 0 to 14. A measurement of 7 is neutral. Measurements below 7 are acidic and measurements above 7 are alkaline. Of note, an alkaline solution is also known as a basic or base solution.

For optimal health, your blood chemistry needs to read between 7.38 and 7.42 pH. When your pH reading is too far above or below, it results in illness or disease. The latter occurs over an extended period of time.

Alkalosis, which is over-alkalinity in the body, rarely occurs. But acidosis, which is over-acidity in the body, is far more common. Especially in the United States due to our diets, and food and water supply. Acidosis creates an oxygen-deprived blood environment. It also supports the growth of unhealthy microorganisms in the bloodstream, such as:

  • Bacteria

  • Fungi

  • Mold

  • Yeasts

  • Viruses

Oxygen deprivation occurs due to the interaction between hydrogen ions in your body. Water's chemical composition is two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms. As a result, hydrogen ions form. Acids give off hydrogen ions while alkalis accept hydrogen ions. The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions the more acidic the substance is. This occurs due to hydrogen having a positive charge while oxygen has a negative charge. Thus, the electrons from water flow to the protons of the acid solutions already in your body. This reaction affects your pH level and thus, your acid-alkaline balance. The acidic solutions in your body are your blood and organs.

Because your body is always fighting to maintain acid-alkaline balance, drinking water helps. Especially, water with a pH level of 8.5 to 9.5 pH. These pH levels return your body to its original state and promote good health. Experts also recommend adjusting your diet to support your acid-alkaline balance. But when an acid-alkaline imbalance persists, you may experience the following:

  • Accelerated aging

  • Demineralization

  • Fatigue

  • Impaired enzyme activity

  • Inflammation and organ damage

  • Growth of harmful microorganisms

Because water plays an important role, I choose to drink alkaline ionized water. It's clean, alkaline, antioxidant-rich, and super hydrating. This keeps me energized with more mental focus and clarity. It also keeps me free of pain and aches at the joints and muscles due to acidosis and dehydration. Alkaline ionized water's super hydrating properties helps flush out lactic acid from cells. This means I recover faster from grueling workouts. All in all, alkaline ionized water keeps me going longer and harder throughout my day.



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  1. Ben Johnson, MD. DO, NMD; Healing Waters: The Powerful Health Benefits of Ionized H2O; ISBN 978-0757003288; Squared One Publishers; Published 11 June 2011; Source descriptor: Dr. Ben is a renowned health expert and information speaker, committed, and passionate about serving the increasing global need of integrative alternative holistic doctors. He has three medical degrees: Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, and Naturopathic Medical Doctor (M.D., D.O., N.M.D.). He also has a Master of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

  2. Richland School District Two; Cameron, Diamond and Amyah pH Project;; Last accessed 10 February 2022.

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