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Writer's pictureJose Montanez

How to Use Time Under Tension to Build the Body of your Dreams

When was the last time you saw results in your body from going to the gym?

I can relate. I use to be scrawny and unable to build muscle. Then in 2008, I decided to make a change. I started reading The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger. This book contained workouts high in training volume. This meant I performed 15 sets per body part. I also performed 6 - 8 repetitions per set. I determined this number based on my body type: ectomorph. To learn more about my fitness journey, please read Top 3 Reasons I Continue to Workout and Stay in Shape.

My body started to change. I was putting on muscle mass. I loved the feeling! I had been unable to do that until then. I did not understand why it happened at the time, though. And not that it mattered to me, of course. Years later, I decided to become a Certified Fitness Trainer with ISSA. Then I learned what got me the results during that time: time under tension.

Time under tension is the amount of time a muscle is under stress. There's a bigger potential for growth when you keep tension over a muscle longer. This tension causes hypertrophy. And hypertrophy causes growth through muscle damage. Pretty simple, right?

Let's use the repetition scheme I was using in 2008. I still use this scheme from time to time, by the way. I love it! Anyway, back to the time under tension. Instead of performing 8 reps as fast but controlled as possible, I can slow it down. I perform those 8 reps over a period of 40 seconds. Now, I know it takes me about 20 seconds to perform 8 repetitions of any given exercise. Squats are the exception. Using this example, I perform each rep in 5 seconds. 5 seconds per 8 reps equals 40 seconds. This also means I may have to drop the amount of weight I lift. So prepare yourself to check your ego at the door of the gym.

Now, why does this work? You create hypoxia when you keep your muscle under tension. When you lift weights your body produces a buildup of metabolites. As this occurs, muscular contractions cause blood vessels to condense. This leads to a restriction of blood flow to the muscles that are working. When proper blood flow oxygen is not present, you create a hypoxic environment. Research shows that hypoxia enhances muscle strength and hypertrophy. Blood flow obstruction creates a more anabolic response.

Another reason why time under tension works is muscle fiber recruitment. Working muscles recruit from smaller to largest motor units. The more time you keep the muscle under tension, the more fast twitch muscle fibers you recruit. Fast twitch muscle fibers produce more force. They are also larger than slow twitch muscle fibers. This means more hypertrophy.

Let's put this into practice:

  • Beware the lockout. Spend more time on the hardest part of the exercise. This is the lengthening or eccentric part of the movement. For example, spend more time going down when performing squats.

  • Try to maintain a steady tempo. I prefer to use 4 seconds on the eccentric, 1 second on the concentric. For example, I spend 4 seconds lowering the weight to my chest, and 1 second bringing it up.

  • Focus on form. DO NOT use cheat reps. Drop the weight when you can no longer lift with proper form.

  • Use drop sets to help you. When you can no longer perform a rep with proper form, drop the weight. Continue to lift until you performed all prescribed reps.

  • Maintain high intensity. Here several things to remember to do this. (1) Keep rest periods short. This means less than 10 seconds. If you are starting out, less than 20 seconds. (2) Increase your power output. In physics, the formula for power: p = w/t. P = power; w = work (force x distance); and t = elapsed time. This means you increase the amount of weight you lift or finish in a short amount of time. I recommend you attempt changing one of those factors at a time. Otherwise, you risk overtraining. (3) Avoid overtraining. You train for no more than 30 minutes any given day. You train each body part no more than twice per week. You give each body part at least 48 hours between sessions to recover.

There you have it! A short lesson on time under tension and how you can apply it today. I hope this inspires you to take action and achieve the body of your dreams.

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  1. Ronnie Nicastro; How to Use Time Under Tension to Help Clients Gain Muscle; International Sports Sciences Association;; Published 2018; Last accessed 22 February 2022; Source descriptor: ISSA is the world leader in fitness education and delivers comprehensive, cognitive and practical distance education for fitness professionals, grounded in industry research, using both traditional and innovative modalities. Founded by leading fitness researchers, PhDs and elite practitioners, the ISSA now offers 24 fitness certifications and has certified over 400,000 trainers in 174 countries.

  2. Emily Cronkleton; Time Under Tension Workouts: Are They More Effective?; Healthline;; Published 28 February 2020; Last accessed 22 February 2022; Source descriptor: Healthline covers all facets of physical and mental health openly and objectively because we’re here for the whole person — for your whole life. And because people come to us with unique challenges we listen closely and put empathy first across our organization. In everything from our personal perspectives to our commitment to inclusivity, you’ll see that we feel with you. Healthline’s Medical Affairs team ensures that Healthline’s content, products, and services uphold the highest standards of medical integrity. Our dedicated team manages an extensive medical network of over 150 medical professionals providing medical review, expert POVs, and clinical guidance. Healthline’s healthcare professionals help ensure that the information we publish is accurate, evidence-based, current, person-centric, and trustworthy.

  3. Jeremy DuVall, MS, CPT; How to Gain Muscle Faster with Time Under Tension Training; Men's Journal;; Last accessed 22 February 2022.

  4. Brock Douglas; How to Maximize by Minimizing Gym Time; NSP Nutrition;; Published 7 September 2020; Last accessed 22 February 2022; Source descriptor: Founded by Vince Gironda in 1972, NSP Nutrition is committed to producing the ORIGINAL formulations used by Golden Era greats. Golden Era formulations for Golden Era results. NSP nutritional supplements are formulated for men and women who aspire to have a Golden Era physique with well-balanced proportions bolstered by superior health, flexibility, and strength.

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